Here we are again! I’ve completed another amazing week.  I am stronger, healthier, and more motivated to keep pushing forward! I’ve now got the YouAnew Foundation firmly beneath my feet, and I am moving on to the Core Program. My coaching session this week gave me insight into the “Core Principles” of why I am striving for this new lifestyle of strength, health, and a new me!

There are 7 core principles that Dr. Kristen discussed with me, and with each principle I was able to better understand why my body needs certain foods (and need to be without certain foods…).  Dr. Kristen broke each principle down in a way that made me comprehend so much better the ideas behind her program.  Every step of YouAnew has significance and meaning. In your Core Principles session, you dive a little bit deeper and really begin to understand the methods behind her madness!!  This session not only got me excited about what I am doing but it also motivated me to keep on pushing forward and standing strong in reaching my goals.

I have to say there are times when it is really difficult for me to resist my favorite treats, especially with so many graduation parties and fun summer barbeques in the mix; but, I will also say that I never find myself hungry or unsatisfied by my meals!  Cravings are just one of those things; I am finding it’s okay (and really empowering) to say no.  By adopting the YouAnew Core Principles,  I am learning to train my body to eat for 2 purposes: nourishment and energy.

The meals Dr. Kristen has created are so satisfying (and quite tasty I might add!).  Through her weekly meal plans she gives such a variety of what is out there in order to get the point across that this is a lifestyle!  It is completely manageable and is not a sacrifice!  You can find so many foods you love on her meal plans, and I assure you, you will be surprised at some of the things you are able to eat and enjoy! It’s just a matter of educating yourself on the best and healthiest choices of foods out there! I am still super excited about YouAnew and am extremely interested to learn even more about my body, nutrition, and my new lifestyle!! Chow for now…

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