Another week complete, and I’m still on my feet! So many interesting things to talk about this week! For starters working-out has never been more enjoyable! Not only does it make me feel good but having to do cardio for about an hour a day has made me more creative with my workouts! It’s fun, therapeutic, and definitely makes a difference in my over-all mood and health. My new YouAnew meal plan introduced me to even more cool foods I can eat and enjoy; they were easy to make and satisfying to the taste! This week, my session with Dr. Kristen was about reading food labels! I was so very excited to learn about how to read food labels. This session was amazing. Who knew reading food labels could be so interesting? Although I am going to need some practice, understanding labels will help me for life, and I now know how to find and treat my body with the most healthy options out there! Dr. Kristen walked me through how to read each section of a label from the servings and calories all the way down into the ingredients and helped me to better understand exactly what I am putting into my body. I am much more aware now than I was before, and I now know what to look for in my food. I feel confident about what is healthy and what is not. In our time together, Dr. Kristen used several examples of different foods for me to compare labels and ingredients. Throughout the week I have been practicing reading the labels of my food throughout my meal plan and even random packages I came across. This has been one of the most educational sessions for me because I am beginning to understand what ingredients to look for in foods that are good to eat and not good to eat. This is something that will be useful for me lifelong, and I am very excited about all that I am learning.

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