It’s not all or nothing. Want to get nowhere fast? Think overwhelming thoughts like “if I can’t do every part of my life in a healthy way, I’m not even going to try.” Or “there’s one thing that I find too hard (or a healthy food or two I don’t like), so healthy isn’t for me.” Here’s the deal; if there’s a certain part of getting healthy that feels overwhelming, that’s okay. In fact, it’s normal…
Mindset Matters!! Healthy is as hard as you think it is... Getting to a place where you’ve got a totally healthy lifestyle fully incorporated into the routine of your life takes motivation, energy and consistency. Just because you’re not running five miles, sleeping seven hours, and eating the healthiest possible foods at every meal today, doesn’t mean that you won’t be there, feeling and looking your best, tomorrow.

The key to reaching your goals is doing something today with the intention of doing even a little bit more tomorrow. All is best, nothing is worst. If you’re finding yourself in the middle, push yourself towards all! If you’re at nothing, push yourself to the middle. Keep working through it until you’ve got yourself right where you want to be. It’s worth it. You’re worth it. Get to it!

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