Let July 4 be the official start of your Independence. How great would you feel if you could be independent from the hold that food has over you?!? End the battle and take back control! YouAnew, Baby!! “Oh Say Can You See” yourself fitting into those skinny jeans…I totally can. The choice is yours to make.  Fire up the grill and throw on some veggies. It’s time for you to start my YouAnew Independence Challenge!

I want you to take 1 week (7 days) in July, let’s make it July 4-10, to put together your battle plan. You are going to focus your efforts on the battle of the bulge; get ready to fight fat, fight fatigue and fight disease with your fork!!

1. Begin by filling up your fridge with the right kinds of ammunition–load up with fresh fruit, veggies, complex carbohydrates and lean protein.

2. Commit to defying dessert, steering clear of soft drinks and passing up the processed snacks.

3. Avoid traps like social, emotional and stress eating. Eat when you are physiologically hungry and stop when you are full.

4. Step away from the boxes, bags and cans. Focus on only eating whole foods that are found in nature.

You CAN do it! You can change your life by changing your meals. Become independent once and for all! As the fireworks go off, take a moment to celebrate your new found freedom.

Need help really setting up your plan, want support and awesome tools? Check out the YouAnew Foundations and Core Programs!

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