Welcome! I am so excited to meet you.
You’re here because you want better health, right? You’re looking for answers, expert advice, and someone who really cares. I get it, and I want you to know that I am here for you.
I had serious health issues that brought me to where I am now, so I understand where you’re coming from. After years of getting drugged up and cut up, I got fed up. I started realizing that no matter what “disease” you have, it’s more about what you do for yourself rather than what someone does to you. I changed my meals, I changed by lifestyle, and it changed my health & my life forever (—it’s why I know you can too).
The word “doctor” means teacher. I take that whole teaching thing very seriously. I want you to know what I know about healthcare. Why? Because every condition is impacted by lifestyle and environment. Every. Single. One. So while your genes are like a script (sometimes really good, sometimes really not so good), your lifestyle/epigenetics are directing the show. You need to direct your genes to express in the healthiest way possible for your body. Finding and making changes to lifestyle aren’t always easy, but they are always worth it. I want to teach you how to make changes that will make a difference.
I get real life.
I am a wife, mom to two amazing little people, and work non-stop (loving every minute!). I understand the challenges of a full life and know how to work healthy habits into the craziness of it all. Wherever you are in your life, taking the time to take care of yourself is so important. I want to motivate you to make it happen.
About Dr. Kristen Bentson
Kristen Bentson, DC, MS, IFMCP, is an author, mom of two, speaker, and practitioner. She’s the author of the Cool Girl’s Guide to the FODMAP Diet: Everything you need to get savvy about (and beat!) digestive issues — for life.
She brings a fresh perspective to common conditions and firmly believes that “conditions are conditional.” Rather than focusing on disease, she focuses on the conditions causing the disease and creates protocols that empower her patients to be intentional about making lifestyle changes that will make a difference.
Dr. KB is a doctor of chiropractic (DC) and is on staff at Lehigh Valley Health Network. She has a masters of science degree in nutrition (MSnutr), certification in biofeedback, and is trained in functional medicine through the Institute of Functional Medicine.
Bentson Health Team
Dr. KB practices alongside her husband, Scott Bentson, DC, MS. In addition to his training as a biomedical engineer, Scott is also a doctor of chiropractic. Scott focuses on a hands-on approach to chronic pain, headaches, and issues related to the musculoskeletal and nervous system. Learn more at LehighValleyChiropractic.com
The Bentson Health Staff is extensively trained and dedicated to your well-being. Our goal is for you to feel cared for and supported. We want to foster an environment of healing and of hope.